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Foundations' Blog

Benefitting from Christ-centered Counseling

Are you feeling led to pursue Christ-centered counseling to work through the issues in your life? That's wise! Counseling can be incredibly helpful for growth and healing. But to make the most of this method of therapy, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind. The counselor's role is to guide you towards Christ and help you apply God's Word to your life (James 1:22), but you also play an important role. The effort you put into the process will, in part, determine what you gain from it. With the right mindset and expectations, counseling can lead to life-changing breakthrough. Approaching it with honesty, vulnerability, and a desire for change by God's grace can be a pivotal time in your life. However, the choice is ultimately up to you. Ready to get started? Here's what you need to know…

Preparing for Your Counseling Session:

To make the most of your session, consider these tips:

  1. Create a list of questions and concerns you want to discuss. Write them down...

Freed by Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a profound concept that can lead to healing broken relationships, restoring peace, and promoting emotional growth. It can often reduce feelings of anxiety, anger, resentment, and depression as well. Forgiveness is a central theme that resonates throughout scripture too. It's not only an act of mercy and compassion but also a divine command that echoes God's love for humanity. In this post, I’d like to consider the significance of forgiveness for everyone (not just the Church), its impact on individuals and communities, and its transformative potential.

The Command of Forgiveness
God's Word repeatedly emphasizes forgiveness as a central aspect of the Christian faith. Jesus Christ, the embodiment of love and compassion, taught His disciples to forgive others as God forgives them. In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus specifically instructs believers to ask for forgiveness and to extend it to those who have wronged them. Then again, in Matthew 18:21-22, Jesus encourages His...

The Origination of Mental Health Struggles

In 1949, Congress passed legislation marking the month of May as Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States. The purpose of this month is to raise awareness and reduce the stigma associated with those who struggle with mental health issues. The term "mental health" is not found in Scripture, but it does encompass various aspects the Scriptures teach, including dealing with our emotions, thoughts, spiritual walk, and the suffering in our bodies.

Somehow in the church, there is often this strange belief that having faith in Jesus makes one immune from mental illness.

Somehow in the church, there is often this strange belief that having faith in Jesus makes one immune from mental illness. Some say that if our walk is close to God, we should not suffer from mental illness. Our prayers and our devotion to God should be enough, and if one does struggle with mental illness, their faith is weak, and they need to get closer to God...then they will no longer struggle.


Mental Health Awareness and the Church

In today's often chaotic and increasingly complex world, the importance of mental health awareness cannot be overstated. Mental health struggles affect people from all walks of life, regardless of their faith, background, or status. As a Christian, it is vital to understand the significance of sharing our own struggles with those around us. This honesty is not only beneficial for personal well-being but also for fostering a supportive and compassionate community that reflects the gospel to others, both within and outside of the Church. 

Acknowledging Our Vulnerability
The first step in navigating mental health issues is acknowledging our own vulnerability. We are not God and that’s a very good thing. We’re humble creatures, created by an all-powerful and perfect Creator. Contrary to the common misconception that Christians should have unwavering faith, the Bible reminds us that even the most faithful individuals faced moments of emotional despair and mental...

Mental Health in Scripture

Scripture contains a wealth of wisdom when it comes to mental health. For thousands of years, God's Word has helped people cope with and endure their struggles, and it continues to be a source of comfort and guidance for His people today. In this post, we'll explore some of the relevant topics found in the Bible and how they apply to our lives.

Jesus also experienced many emotions and challenges, so He can understand what we deal with in life. Among other things He is our mediator, comforter, and empathizer. 

God Cares About Our Mental Health

The Bible is full of passages that emphasize God's care and compassion for His people. For example, Psalm 34:18 reads: "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed." This verse reminds us that God cares deeply about our mental well-being and is always there to offer comfort and support. Jesus also experienced many emotions and hardships, so He can understand what we deal with in life. Knowing that...


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