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Foundations' Blog

True Perfection, in Christ Alone

Have you ever felt an underlying nagging sense of shame or embarrassment? When you pause to think about it, you know you didn't do anything wrong, yet it feels like you have. If you have ever felt this way, you are not alone and there isn't something wrong with you. It just means there is a place inside of you the Lord wants to apply His truth so you can experience more of the abundant life He came to give you.

In Webster's Dictionary, shame is defined as "a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, shortcoming, or impropriety." For the sake of this blog post, I want to highlight the words shortcoming and perfection. The type of underlying shame I am focusing on today has to do with an underlying sense of falling short, not being good enough, or somehow missing the mark but not actually knowing how you missed it… it's just a nagging feeling. This nagging feeling can stem from various sources, but let's focus on the distinction between worldly and religious perfection...

How the Church Can Respond to Mental Health Struggles

Sometimes it’s hard to know what to say, what to do, and how to respond when confronted with challenges. Often our first instinct is to avoid them, ignore them, or pass them off to someone else to deal with them so that we will not take up our time or increase our stress. Oddly enough, this is how many churches and congregants respond to people with mental health struggles. We don’t know what to say or how to help. The struggles seem above and beyond our experience or expertise. We refer them to speak to someone else, give them trite answers, avoid them, or let them know we’ll pray for them and move on. These responses remind me of the parable of the Good Samaritan. 

In Luke 10:25-37, Jesus responds to the question by an expert in the law, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus answers by sharing a parable (30-35):

“A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him, and went away,...

The Origination of Mental Health Struggles

In 1949, Congress passed legislation marking the month of May as Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States. The purpose of this month is to raise awareness and reduce the stigma associated with those who struggle with mental health issues. The term "mental health" is not found in Scripture, but it does encompass various aspects the Scriptures teach, including dealing with our emotions, thoughts, spiritual walk, and the suffering in our bodies.

Somehow in the church, there is often this strange belief that having faith in Jesus makes one immune from mental illness.

Somehow in the church, there is often this strange belief that having faith in Jesus makes one immune from mental illness. Some say that if our walk is close to God, we should not suffer from mental illness. Our prayers and our devotion to God should be enough, and if one does struggle with mental illness, their faith is weak, and they need to get closer to God...then they will no longer struggle.


Mental Health Awareness and the Church

In today's often chaotic and increasingly complex world, the importance of mental health awareness cannot be overstated. Mental health struggles affect people from all walks of life, regardless of their faith, background, or status. As a Christian, it is vital to understand the significance of sharing our own struggles with those around us. This honesty is not only beneficial for personal well-being but also for fostering a supportive and compassionate community that reflects the gospel to others, both within and outside of the Church. 

Acknowledging Our Vulnerability
The first step in navigating mental health issues is acknowledging our own vulnerability. We are not God and that’s a very good thing. We’re humble creatures, created by an all-powerful and perfect Creator. Contrary to the common misconception that Christians should have unwavering faith, the Bible reminds us that even the most faithful individuals faced moments of emotional despair and mental...

More Bad Advice from Well-Meaning Christians

This November, my wife and I will be married for 27 years. I would say a large portion of our marriage has been very positive, but some struggles required us to maneuver and navigate to get through them. Many couples have more than simple struggles. They have unfulfilled longings, emotional upheavals, and disappointments piled upon hurts and regrets. And many rightfully conclude that marriage should not be like this. They may ask excellent questions, such as "How did things get so bad between us? What does God want me to do? What does He want for me?"

These are very good questions. While pondering the answer, Christian friends are often sought for their counsel to determine God's will. Perhaps your counsel has been sought. Surely God doesn't want us to be in a miserable marriage, right? Since God is good and God is love, many argue that He does not want people to be miserable. Well, God delivered the Israelites from the misery of slavery and oppression many times. Therefore, we...

Bad Advice from Well-Meaning Christians

We’ve all heard someone say, “If I had a dollar for every time someone said ____________, I’d be rich!” Maybe we’ve said it ourselves. Honestly, this is how I feel whenever I hear a Christian give advice that sounds biblical but is rooted in psychology. The advice has a “form of godliness, but denies its power.” In other words, it sounds good, spiritual, and wise, but in the end, it is empty. People mean well when they help others. We want to help people experience happiness and peace, yet our counsel may fall short because we’ve been duped into believing the counsel is true and accurate. There are three common pieces of bad advice Christians give one another, all of which fall short of the Gospel. Let’s take a look at the first most common piece of advice well-meaning Christians give, but it is not Biblical. The other two will be mentioned in future blogs.

“You need to love yourself more” or
“You need to love...

Forgiving Yourself and Alternate Endings

Charles arrived at the counseling appointment defeated. He could not hide his slumped shoulders or his downcast face. He didn’t look me in the eyes, nor could he wrestle a smile during his typical greeting. Charles sat slowly on the loveseat facing me while looking down and wondered why he kept coming back. He admitted he often feels better when he leaves, but yesterday’s wounds are today’s ghosts. His past sins haunt him and hound him until he feels utterly worthless and undeserving of any good thing. He stated, “I just can’t forgive myself.” Charles was living in self-condemnation, and he had some choices regarding how he would like to resolve his dilemma: Will he accept God’s grace, or will he live in self-condemnation?

If you watch movies, you are probably familiar with alternate endings. Writers and producers develop several endings to a movie to see which one would go over best for the test audience, and then they decide which ending...

Advantages of Our Counseling Approach

Through the Christ-centered counseling that Foundations provides, individuals and families can experience how scripture and a relationship with Jesus Christ can help them navigate and even overcome life's challenges. This method of professional counseling recognizes that (without ignoring physical concerns) spiritual issues often lie at the root of the difficulties we face in life, and it allows God's grace to be the solution. In this post, we will uncover some ways this approach to healing facilitates transformation for those who seek it out.

This method of professional counseling recognizes that (without ignoring physical concerns) spiritual issues often lie at the root of the difficulties we face in life, and it allows God's grace to be the solution.

Our counseling is based on God's Word.

Christ-centered counseling affirms that the Bible is the authoritative Word of God and provides guidance for living a fulfilling life. All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable...

Mental Health in Scripture

Scripture contains a wealth of wisdom when it comes to mental health. For thousands of years, God's Word has helped people cope with and endure their struggles, and it continues to be a source of comfort and guidance for His people today. In this post, we'll explore some of the relevant topics found in the Bible and how they apply to our lives.

Jesus also experienced many emotions and challenges, so He can understand what we deal with in life. Among other things He is our mediator, comforter, and empathizer. 

God Cares About Our Mental Health

The Bible is full of passages that emphasize God's care and compassion for His people. For example, Psalm 34:18 reads: "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed." This verse reminds us that God cares deeply about our mental well-being and is always there to offer comfort and support. Jesus also experienced many emotions and hardships, so He can understand what we deal with in life. Knowing that...

"Don't Curse Over Spilt Paint"

We've all heard the adage, "Don't cry over spilt milk." It is the common instruction we might tell our children when they make a mistake, and we tell them it's no big deal. These are our wise words to let them know that the accident was a small thing and not worth crying over. Mistakes happen. We simply clean it up and move on. But what if you're an adult and the accident is not a simple cleanup like milk?

Mistakes happen. We simply clean it up and move on. But what if you're an adult and the accident is not a simple cleanup like milk?

This is what happened to "Joe" as he painted his basement. It all happened so fast that he didn't even recall what happened, except that the mostly full white paint can ended up on its side, spilling about a quarter of the paint from the can onto the floor. For the next 15 minutes, while cleaning up his mess on the laminate flooring, Joe let out a series of curses that would likely make a sailor proud to be his friend.

What would cause this...


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